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At Energy Patagonia, we are dedicated to helping businesses, organizations and governments achieve their carbon neutrality plans. We use a combination of human and artificial intelligence (HAI) with carbon finance to quickly identify and solve the specific pain points and road blocks in our customer's decarbonization roadmaps. We provide a comprehensive range of advisory services to help our clients achieve their goals. With our data-driven approach, we are able to achieve meaningful results faster than ever before.

Image by Israel Andrade

Our Core Values

We practice what we preach


We behave according to the highest compliance rules


We always deliver what is expected


We know what we do and we do what we know


We have skin on the game


We love what we do and only work with the bests

Letter from our CEO

Join Our Collective Journey Towards a Carbon Neutral World

Dear Esteemed CEOs and Industry Leaders,

I hope this words finds you in good health and high spirits. I am reaching out to you today with great enthusiasm and a shared sense of urgency as we embark on a transformative journey towards a carbon neutral world. At Energy Patagonia, our mission is clear: to support you along the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon future. We firmly believe that the time for decisive action is now, and we are dedicated to assisting companies like yours in achieving carbon neutrality while unlocking the tremendous opportunities that lie within the sustainability revolution.

As leaders in our respective industries, we possess the power to effect real change. By aligning our efforts, sharing knowledge, and implementing best practices, we can create a collective impact that will reverberate across the globe. Our firm brings together a diverse team of decarbonization experts, strategists, and innovators who are deeply committed to guiding organizations towards sustainable success.

The challenges we face in tackling climate change are daunting, but they are also ripe with possibilities. By embracing decarbonization, we have the chance to not only safeguard the environment but also future-proof our businesses, enhance resilience, and foster innovation. Together, we can pioneer new business models, drive technological advancements, and create shared value for our stakeholders.

I invite you to join us on this momentous journey. By partnering with Energy Patagonia, you will gain access to our extensive knowledge base, cutting-edge insights, and tailored solutions that are specifically designed to meet your unique needs. Our collaborative approach empowers you to navigate the complexities of decarbonization, identify cost-effective strategies, and seize the opportunities that arise from a sustainable future.

Let accelerate the global transition towards a carbon neutral world. Together, we can inspire change, lead by example, and create a legacy that future generations will celebrate.

I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you personally and explore how our firms can collaborate in this noble pursuit.

With warmest regards,


Juan Pablo Garavaglia

Chief Executive Officer

Frequently Asked Questions

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